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About Us

Who we are?

We are the Leading Company in the field of Publication from last six Years. Basically we are the publisher of Law Books and Competition. Now we are planning to establish the setup in Educational Books and creating the atmosphere of Education with our Some Co-Partners. They are already settled in education line of different fields like IAS, MBA and other field.
The users of this site may be any normal person but it is mainly beneficial to advocates, students and government employees.

Beneficial to Advocates:

This site Contain the Government Order of U.P. Government and Gazette of Uttar Pradesh and Union of India. Advocate Can Search the required Notification, Statutes or Amendments of U.P. Government and Government of India. The pattern was like a Monthly Journals. The Search is being Contain wise.

Beneficial to Students:

It is designed for Students who are going to pass the examination of 12th and Graduation. This site will help to choose the appropriate field and student can get required information.

Beneficial to Govt. Employees:

This site is also beneficial for Government Employees because they can search the Government orders for Service Matters.